Jessica, 21, Sydney.

Jessica is a third year Journalism/International Studies student at the University of Technology, Sydney. She takes photos mostly just for fun and does not for a second claim to be any good at it. Most of the time, Jess thinks about food, her hazy job prospects in the media industry and deciding whether she should hit the gym or take a nap.

Jess is also open to the prospect of collaborations/writing for you/taking photos for you/friendly conversation!
Email her at She will endeavour to get back to you almost instantaneously, because no one ever emails her. x

And you shall receive.

Jan 26, 2013 @ 1:07 AM
Since I got back into tumblr, I have been itching for days to shoot someone/something/anything at all. A few days ago, a clumsy (and failed) attempt at assembling a photoshoot with Sunnybunny and I as photographers hurtled out of control, and so since neither Wangays nor I were doing anything today, we made a day of it ;)!

Happy Australia Day, guys! :P

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0 love notes: write a lovenote
I miss you
Jan 1, 2013 @ 10:51 PM

Re-edits of my 2012. Have a good 2013 everyone! ♥

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0 love notes: write a lovenote