ANYWAY, I forgot my camera!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(, so here are just some random photos~
Do you like my school shoes?! :D

Had the biggest craving for scones, so —

Natural lighting ♥. I love these shots haha :D I will add them to my portfolio later! (Which is currently empty)

Thank God for photoshop. ;D
Labels: food, personal, photography, photos, shoes

^ OK. I know it looks like I'm taking a chiu creeper photo of Joan's crotch but I assure you it was just for the watch and the wallet :'(.

Haha they were giving out free muesli bars XD

LOL These are fucking complete randoms, I just liked how the lighting played on them LOL omg #legitstalker

^ Random UTS building we spotted haha!!
That concludes my day! I should do some work now. ROFL
P.S. The actual day was really fantastic, had a lot of fun. Apparently Media (Com&Journ) is really popular! :D.
Labels: food, friends, greyscale, personal, photography, photos