I'd love to dabble in / be a . . .
- Photojournalist
- Web designer
- Graphic designer
- Anything designer, really.. Even though I know next to nothing about fashion!
- Photographer
- King of the world
- Prime Minister
- The best that I can be.
P.S. Book of the month(?) : Roald Dahl's Collected Short Stories. HE IS SO, SO SO BRILLIANT. He's so readable too, without being overly simplistic. I've known for a while that I was a sucker for children's stories, which is of course what he's famous for, but this book has truly captured the perfect balance between sophistication and simplicity.. I call it simplistication (or sophicity?). Quite, quite perfect for someone like me. ♥
Labels: book, inspiration, personal

Yup ate this many plates of food for shiiiee

Fabulosity, now I just look like I'm stalking Anna

Labels: friends, personal, photography, photos, sydney

ASOS CURVE Sixties Skater Dress with Belt :

You guys have seen this one before (if you read my day-to-day blog that is!). My friend is seriously batshit X apeshit for this dress. I really HAVE been eyeing this for a while! ;D

ASOS Mixed Fabric Ruffle Dress : A$81.11

The only thing that bothers me about this dress is the fact that the colour is sort of like a ..cloying yellow or something. I don't know, it just .. I think it could be better. A creamier white, not such a yellow buttery one, would be more suitable. I don't care - I still think it's lovely, and there's always dye, I guess. :D"" (Even though I'd be pissing myself in fear that something go wrong)
Oh and the price. God. I'm not made of money.

ASOS Belted Shirt Dress :

I love this one, too. As you can see, my bodytype dictates that I suit button-up blouses far better than a cotton t-shirt, which is unflattering to my body. As a result, I tend towards anything that cinches at the waist to show that I actually have one XD. Not to mention that I'm looking specifically at dresses cause I want something to match the T-Bar shoes that I adore~! (Be warned, it's so girly you may feel a need to sanitise yourself in mud afterwards)
Cute as, right?! They're adooorable. Amazing. I love em.
:D AREN'T THEY LOVELY! And of course I've spied something that could potentially be my formal dress but like every covetous female I'm not revealing it here ;) BWA HA HA! Okay! See you guys later, it's 3:37 AM omfg. I really do think I'm turning nocturnal -.-"" Love! ♥
Labels: cute, fashion, inspiration, obsession, online shopping, shoes, style

(Throwing Q and L into the water!)

I love this set.


Labels: beach, friends, personal, photography, photos