^ Haha we're imitating one another in those two! XD

(^ We were rofling really hard at these ones)


='D!! Thankyou ladies and gentlemen, you've been a great crowd!
Labels: macbook secks, photos

Ruby&Kit wallet. :) It was only $9, it was on sale! Haha. I don't think it's made very well, but to be honest it's fine - I want a white one from Chanel anyways, so this'll do for now. :) And my old wallet was getting oolllddd!
Ring from Equip :)


My new items :D Yes that is my new Instax Mini 25!! ♥ I love it and the girls who bought it for me, especially ♥ (Oh and Nathan and Colin of course LOL)

Sea Weed Cooling Mask by Skin79 from Sakura in Hurstville Station :D. I'd been eyeing this for aageeezzzzz~

I already feel like I'm in the sea or something! LOLOLOL (obviously going crazy here)

I go to Sakura pretty frequently so the salesgirl there let me have two free masks :D. And then I went to MG to buy a Tony Moly mask brush LMAO..

I could start my own shop. LOL no okay.
^ Okay that is totally ridiculous. I just wanted an excuse to do this LOOL #narcissistic

Tissues that my mother handed to me this morning, Panadol :), makeup because I had school photos yesterday and I forgot to take it out ^_^, THE MOST AMAZING HANDCREAM IN THE WORLD (by none other than Tony Moly of course [duh]).
Pencil case, wallet, awesome GLASS coke bottle that usually holds tea in it now (from that time we went to see Neel's play, so that's a good memory already), 2011 Diary from MSM ♥, Frankenstein LOL

Practically the same thing. LOL. #wuliao

Couldn't resist taking another photo of my dressing table/book case thing :P All my TM products are so cute <3<3
P.S. Look at the dust!! :(
Labels: personal, photography, photos, products

Labels: fashion, photos, style
Anna: Apparently, if you watch more porn your hair grows faster.
Jess, what have you been doing???

Haha. This show is so popular!
Labels: TV Show
Wow.. It'd be great to work in some sort of design industry~ So much creative energy. I'd really hate to have be holed up in an office playing around with numbers all day or something.
Speaking of magazines, I'll have to have a word with yen about their appalling design. Seriously, they should sack their creative director, whoever the fuck it is.
Labels: inspiration, magazine

We had like, f'd up faces here ;__;"

What the actual fuck at my red eyes?!

HAHA crap I've used 75% of my photobucket account limit already =/ LOL! And yes, here you are :)
Labels: friends, personal, photography, photos

They have heaps cuter ones, but this struck me as really sweet.
© http://mymilktoof.blogspot.com/2011/01/lardee-do.html