Music is my inspiration right now :) I NEED SOME MOAR, FORMSPRING ME SOME GOOD MYEWSEEK SON!!
(Random, but it has to be said :|. Never again will I make the same mistake. Q_Q)
(On another note, it really was a good tissue box.. He certainly liked it ._."
..I mean, I think he did.. I'm pretty sure he did D=)
Labels: fleeting thought, personal
I WILL UPLOAD THOSE PHOTOS THOUGH. DX I'll upload them even though they won't have any meaning anymore since it's not on the day and will have lost the effect of uploading them on the day.. I am so lazyyyy but it is such a cbf thing to do after a whileeee T.T
Labels: delay

Day 22 - A picture of yourself

(Text at the bottom referring to my boots of course LOL)
Day 23 - A picture that describes your life *

(Right now, that is.)
Day 17 - A picture of your mp3 playerWOW I AM REALLY GETTING LAZY!
Day 18 - A picture of your room
Day 19 - A picture of your favorite musical instrument(s)
Day 20 - A picture of where you want to honeymoon
Day 17 - A picture of your mp3 player
Can't find it right now unfortunately.. This is saddening because all my 'old' (ie. new) music is there.. Don't ask LOL
Day 18 - A picture of your room
Here, I just took these just then. LOL. I didn't rearrange everything to retain it's ..authenticity.

There. Now you know when I say I literally have mountains of clothes on my bed, you know it's true. (I don't sleep in this room FYI AHAHA.. Just in case you thought I slept on all that :|.)

I was digging around my mum's old clothes one day and found this super awesome jumper. It smells a little funky and sometimes it itches/scratches a little, and it's kind of frumpy (I know Qin & Co. think so.. LOL =() but I love it regardless. It's like a beaten up old dog who doesn't do it's job anymore.. But what can you do =P (It would look a lot better if I was skinnier and not so busty.)
I had to add the glow effect on the photo of my face because my skin is so bad T_T.
Day 19 - A picture of your favorite musical instrument(s)

Day 20 - A picture of where you want to honeymoon
Wherever they went in Made of Honour (film).. God it was so fucking gorgeous. I think it was Sctoland or something, it was mulafucking beautiful. ; o ;
Apologies with the lack of posts lately. I have been so damn lazy it's not funny. They will come though. :)
As a sidenote, my father is beginning to design the house we'll be moving to in the future and I really really want to kind of be a part of it, I'm pretty crazy with interior designing, although dad says that bit'll happen later. I DON'T CARE LOL I'VE WANTED THESE FUCKING LIGHTS FOR THE LONGEST TIME T_______T.

They are gorgey, no? :). Watching so much Shimmycocopuffs on youtube.. Fuck this has to stop :|. LOL he makes me wanna move out so bad!
And if it comes back, then that's how you know
- Circle, Marques Houston
Labels: interior design

My iBaby :)
Labels: 30photos, photos, technology
I look like a fucking idiot, but :

Aren't my friends perfect angels? ♥. But every girl thinks that of their friends :).
L2R: Belle, Qin, Sandy, Joan, Lorraine the birthday girl, Alice, retard, Lynn the best friend. Picture taken 14th July 2010.
Day 14 - A picture of your favorite teacher(s)
Day 15 - A picture of yourself
Let me take a shower first ok HAHAHAA.
Labels: 30photos, friends, photos

It's like swallowing heaven whenever you take a bite. * 0 *
Labels: 30photos, food, photos
She's so gorgeous. ♥ If it's one time I wish I didn't have such fuck9023leagkailqplfling layered hair it's now.. I just tried to do it in the mirror except my half-pony looked like a makeup brush T^T.


LOL sorry for no upload yesterday, I was much too lazy. ; o ;
Day 10 - A picture of what you like to do

Labels: love, marriage, personal

COMFORT FIRST. ALWAYS. Unless going somewhere relatively important. :)
Charice.. Where do I begin? Words are useless. Watch her performance, watch ALL her performances. The way she performs, the way she sings the notes are coming straight from her fucking heart. Sorry about the expletives but this is what happens when I get emotional :|.
The way she was singing.. It was like she wouldn't rather be doing anything else in the world, like she had forgotten everything and the only thing she knew was the song. She was so happy. It sounds simple, but I'm so fucking happy for her. I don't know her but man I can see & I truly believe that she's found what she's always wanted to do.
I want that feeling. She - she is inspiration. She deserves where she's at right now. Oh my god I think I've turned lesbian
Labels: icon

(Pictures from the Vietnam War)
I don't remember ever actually leaking tears because of this. But I know, for a FACT, that much more horrible things than this happens all around the world. There are so many fucking stories I haven't heard yet, so many things I haven't seen.
If anything made me cry it'd be that.
P.S. Sorry I didn't update yesterday! It is so terribly terribly hard to find something that inspires you, to actually go LOOKING for inspiration. o_0 But I'll use a poor substitution and say that it's one of my favourite image sites, weheartit. That site inspires my own photos, having looked through gorgeous and beautiful ones on that site. (Some are just weird O_o) but they influence my colouring/tinting so I can produce better photos. ♥

Alice is right. I do like things that are aesthetically pleasing way too much, haha. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that human nature..? :).

This is how my morning was.. About 10 am. Quite glum, no? :(.

LOL here is a complementary picture which better demonstrates my intense need of brown hair dye in my roots. : My entire fringe is pretty much black while the rest of my head is brown, sigh. ;_;

Kudos to Qin for the pic. I had forgotten my camera and I was randomly pointing at .. Ray White Real Estate ?_? when I was meant to be pointing at the Dr Du sign LOL.
Firstly, as a substitution for the delay of posts on Day 1 & 2:

1) Camera ran out of batteries. How convenient, eh
2) Dad took away modem. SAD FACE T.T
She also apologises for the copious amount of fringe regrowth there is.. erm, not that you can tell.

Retrieved my lunchbox, ordered a Hawaiian pizza from Dominoes and watched Ratatouille today. (I didn't include my tut notes because I didn't want to be seen even more of a sadcunt)
Happy Holidays, children! x